Thursday, February 25, 2021

This Past Week or So

Dear friends,

So glad you've stuck around here lately.

Last week was quite the busy week, as it led up to a Fine Arts competition.  Blossom1 and Blossom2 have been practicing piano, singing, cajón, skits, drama and the like for the big day.  Per 2020, we didn't even know if the competition would actually happen. We got the green light in January and there have been practices, rehearsals, jam sessions and run-throughs leading up to it.  As a mom, it has been so rewarding to watch them grow in the gifts God has given them.  

The way you learn to use your gifts is to use your gifts!  

Is it easy and comfortable?  Not usually!  Learning to stretch, to listen to criticism, to adjust and to change are all parts of the process of using your gifts for the Lord.  Anything worthwhile takes work, for sure!  And, listening to and learning from those who have more experience than you is wise and humbling.

We came home from the competition and chilled out on our couches watching a couple of gymnastics meets on ESPN and eating some chocolate chip cookie dough I whipped up for the occasion.  It was our way of celebrating the culmination of a whole lot of hard work!  

On Sunday afternoon, we decided that some fresh air and good family time was in order, so we trekked over to the Lakeside trail and did a little bit of lake ice exploring.  The Rugged Mountain Man was trying out his new crampons (ice spikes) and trekking poles.  He declared them awesome!  Actually, I think his words for his crampons were something like "beasts!" Slowly, but surely, we're accumulating gear that suits our little adventures.

This week has been a bit quieter.  We needed the time to reorient and care for the demands of home and family.  When those extra busy seasons stretch too long, they take their toll on the peace of our family.  I find we need less on the schedule to be kinder and calmer.  As Pollyanna says, "We need time to just be." 

One of the Blossoms has a character issue that we've been working on.  It's taking extra prayer and patience.  These are the things that can get swept under the rug if we're crazy busy.  I don't ever want to lose sight of the girls' character formation.  It's something near and dear to our hearts.  That I'm actively here and I'm attentive to their forming character and every day struggles is a message I want our Blossoms to clearly hear in every day of their upbringing.

The end of the school year is in the offing and I want to finish strong.  We did a writing day a few weeks ago and I think we'll be doing one this Friday.  

Keep the faith, friends!  We'll keep on, keeping on over here,


Friday, February 12, 2021

A Sluggish Morning Made Slower

We had a late night and the morning was shaping up to be sluggishly slow where our normal routine was concerned.  

Yet, we found ourselves around the island, doing our normal morning stuff.

I was tempted to herd everyone off to chores in a hurry.  Sometimes if we all get crack-alacking, we can "catch up" on those sluggish mornings.  

The conversation picked up and we all sat there chatting about everyday life and the events of the previous couple of days.

I was enjoying their conversation and banter, so I held my tongue. 

Even though we really needed to be productive.

After a half hour of quality conversation over tea and the remnants of breakfast, they trekked off to the basement to don snow pants and other cold weather gear.  The livestock was still waiting.

I contentedly moseyed about the kitchen, bringing it to rights and moving forward in our routine.  

I reminded myself that this is one reason we homeschool ~ to embrace life on our own schedule and terms.  

Real life.  

Real connection.

Hearing their thoughts, discussing the ups and downs of our week, simply enjoying our relationships with one another was worth being behind for!  

Pics from a recent jaunt on State Game Lands.  We were bundled up, but it was so refreshing.  I especially thought the wilted yet frozen Rhododendron leaves were charming, in an odd sort of way.

Friday, February 5, 2021

Winter Lately

Lately I am:

Over my brother's white board comment.  I left it up for the last few weeks just so I'd smile every time I walked by.

About all this snow!  It's so nice to be able to do wintery things in winter! We sure have enjoyed the sledding, skiing, snowboarding, and snowball fights.  We discovered that Blossom3 has really great balance!  I guess that's not surprising, considering that once upon a time, balance beam was my favorite event in gymnastics.  Anyway, I hope the snow keeps coming.  The Rugged Mountain Man even got out and did a little ice fishing with some friends!  We haven't been ice skating yet, but there's still plenty of winter left so I'm hopeful!

To take the Christmas tree down tomorrow.  The Blossoms and I agree that it's finally time.  It was still so festive and inviting in the living room, so we've been soaking up the coziness.  Now we're embracing the next winter holidays here ~ Valentines Day and the Rugged Mountain Man's birthday!

For a truck and a plow and Tractor Supply curbside pickup and Berne overalls and virtually indestructible vintage Woolrich coats and my new ponytail beanie and all the little (big) things that make rural life easier and so much more enjoyable!

A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett. It's an old favorite of mine.  My sister made a passing reference in conversation the other day and I've been ping-ponging through it ever since.  I'm reveling in the exquisite language and remembering why it was a childhood favorite.  I'm wondering if it will be one of our next read-alouds, although I'm sure I won't be able to get through it without sniffling and choking up.  That's just how I am.

I've also been flying through some recent releases by Christy Barritt.  She's a squeaky clean Christian suspense writer that tends to put out solid reading material.  I especially like all her Lantern Beach series.  I dislike having to spend a lot of time finding good reading material, so I often rely on tried and true authors or old favorites when I get a minute to read.  

Yorkshire Gold tea!  It's a new tea that I tried from the Herb Shop and it's a bold and sturdy pick-me-up in the morning.  Our latest tea order came, causing much joy over being able to restock our favorites.  The Blossoms have been enjoying Apricot, Pineapple Orange Herbal and Pomegranate teas as a hot cuppa or a refreshing glass of iced tea.  The tea kettle is always bubbling and the tea always steeping around here.  

I enjoyed catching up with you a little today.  
Sending hugs and cozy winter wishes from our Hollow to your home,


Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Yup, thanks!

I'm glad our school room whiteboards are so useful!