Monday, June 17, 2013

A Wooden Spoon - not just for spanking

People have been asking me lately, "So, has Skipper shown any signs of being jealous of Sweet Pea?"  I can whole-heartedly say, "Nope, not a bit.  She's tickled pink with her.  And, she's Sweet Pea's biggest fan."  As my husband says, "There's enough love to go around here."  I totally agree with him.  We've got love comin' out of our ears!  :) 

Seriously though, I really think that seeking to include your other children helps them not to feel left out.  I try my hardest not to push them away when I'm nursing Sweet Pea.  They want to gawk and ooooh and aaaahhh over her and stroke her cheek and cuddle with Mommy and hang on Mommy or have a story read.  Even though I usually look at nursing as my little Mommy R&R time, I try to include them anyway (regardless of how I feel).  Sometimes I have to take a deep breath, close my eyes and use the willpower God gave me.  I'm just being honest with you.  Motherhood is not for the faint-hearted.  Additionally, I try to include the Blossoms at other times - diapering, bathtimes, cooking, etc.  It isn't always convenient. Sometimes, Mommy is in a hurry.  Mommy would love to just focus on one thing.  Or, Mommy needs to get something down quickly, but I keep trying every day to keep including them, all of them, especially Skipper.  So, something as simple as stirring the soup, can keep a little one in our Circle of Love, all happy and warm and fuzzy inside.