Monday, August 12, 2013

Five Things They Don't Tell You About Baby-Wearing - Installment #1

I LOVE wearing Sweet Pea, and I loved wearing all my other Blossoms.  Now that we're on Blossom #4, I've collected some insight I'd like to share with you, some things no one told me about baby-wearing. 

#1 - Babies are heavy. 
You don't think that when they are ten pounds of lovable babyness, but even after three hours or so, you start to think otherwise.  Your shoulders will get tired.  Your back will get tired.  They don't tell you this.  Just because it doesn't require hands to hold them, doesn't mean you're not carrying the load.  You.will.get.tired.  But, your baby is near and jivin' with you, so it's worth it.  Really.