Friday, November 9, 2018

Portfolio Progress

Today I wanted to share a little homeschool life hack that I can't take a bit of credit for.  My mom decided on this method after a stressful few hours of pulling portfolios together one year.  I've taken to using it here and it's working well for us.

I call it "Make-the-portfolio-as-you-go."

Yes, that's profound, I know, but I was thinking maybe I could be the nudge to help you get your portfolio started now.

Here in the Hollow, I have four white binders sitting center stage on the school room table.  They are the catchall for all the educational proof of what happens here every day.  

When the Blossoms finish a test and immediately after I grade it, I hole-punch it and drop it in the binder.  I have dividers marked with their major subjects and I file it in the appropriate subject.

When the Blossoms and I get home from a field trip, I grab the little touristy brochure, hole-punch it and drop it in the binder.  

When they get a score sheet from a 4-H judge, I pull it out of my purse at home,  hole-punch it and drop it in the binder.  

When they finish a history activity, it goes in the binder!

I even tell the bigger girls to hole-punch some of their own stuff and put it in their portfolio.  

Anything that tangibly shows any progress they make or something educational we've done, gets hole-punch and filed it in its most important resting place - the portfolio that my evaluator reviews when she interviews my children.  

I've noticed that it's pretty important that the binders are always only an arms-length away from where we work in the school room. They are perpetually out on this table; otherwise, procrastination tends to happen.  

Ain't nobody got time for procrastination.

At the end of the year, I print out their book list, daily log, grades and anything I think I forgot and add them to the portfolio.  

Portfolio done. Stress averted.  

Go get your binder today!  Trust me, your future self will thank you.

