Monday, March 18, 2024

Informing for the Sake of Unity

Perhaps this is a new series - Parenting Teens.  It wasn't really planned, but I was making some observations the other day and thought I'd share them with you while they were on my mind.

As the Blossoms grow and get busier, I've found how necessary it is to keep everyone in the loop as far as the family schedule.  

Every morning after their personal quiet time and then, our devotions together, we pow-wow about the day and days ahead.  On Monday, we also especially pow-wow about the week ahead.  

When changes inevitably must be made, it is SO important that I make sure all of the Blossoms are aware of these changes.  When they understand expectations and plans, the whole day runs smoother.  Attitudes are better.  No one likes to be surprised... in that way.  I mean, if you're talking surprise ice cream, that's a totally different story.

"Wait, I didn't know so-and-so was stopping over!"

"I didn't realize I had to have this done by then!"

"I didn't know we were leaving at this time!"

"I don't have this exam done; I can't go to that!"

With having four Blossoms, everyone is not always in the room when I make a comment or adjustment to our schedule for the day.  And when 3/4 know of different expectations, that 1/4 can really throw a monkey wrench in the mix when they don't know they were supposed to be ready an hour earlier because we now have to run two more errands before Bible Quiz practice.  

Blossom1 and Blossom2 have Google Calendars and we share important events with that program.  It's very helpful!  I'm still getting used to checking their calendars before I answer when someone asks if we're available.  You'd think I'd remember if Blossom1 made a chiropractor appointment or that Blossom2 has a live lecture.  BUT I DON'T.  Use the tools that are out there to boost your brain power!

There's a degree of common courtesy underlying this whole approach.  Understanding that I'm dealing with people.  It's courteous to keep everyone in the loop.  Herego, I do my best to inform everyone.  

It's kinda funny but I've taken to making Public Service Announcements in our house.  Sometimes I even use a silly announcer voice.  Sometimes my PSA is me singing out "T-30 minutes til lift-off!"  When you've got this many people leaving the house, it's just a good idea for everyone to know when time is tickin'. 

It may sound ridiculous to make PSAs as there are only six of us, but let's be real, there are SIX of us!  We need to be on the same page!  I got tired of realizing I'd missed a Blossom or two in passing because someone was in the bathroom or something.  I've realized that one way for me to parent well in this season is to be careful to inform EVERYONE.

Sometimes that means I ask the older Blossoms, 

can you be available for this event?  

Do you have room for this event in your week?  

How will this affect your workload and productivity for school, if we say yes to this?

How can we make this work?

There's something respectful about that.  Correspondingly, when I communicate that I want them to prioritize something, they usually extend that same courtesy and respect to the Rugged Mountain Man and me so we don't have to play hardball.  

It's just a different approach from when I'd wake up in the morning and say, "We're going to the library today!"

Planning helps us develop and maintain unity in our family.  Unity is my God-glorifying goal.

Friday, March 15, 2024


If there's any lesson I've learned about parenting teens, especially teen girls, it's to just say it... OUT LOUD.

There are times I notice something good one of the Blossoms has done.

There are times I see a glimmer of something good.

There are times I realize they've been working really hard.

There are times I recognize growth.

There are times I glimpse a character trait that we've invested toward for years, awaiting the harvest of day upon day of faithful parenting.

I'm busy though.   My brain moves on to the next thing. The thought flits away.  

Later on, I realize in a tearful conversation how badly one of the Blossoms needed to hear that one good thing.  

The impact is good when I finally say it.  
The impact is better when I vocalize that good thing before we hit the crying through a hard conversation point.  

It's a simple lesson.  When I see the good, SAY IT.  Say it OUT LOUD.

Arguably, this is a wise approach to parenting all ages.  It just seems particularly pertinent to parenting teens. 

See it and say it OUT LOUD.

Thursday, March 7, 2024

The Dot System

I'm always on the lookout for good organizational tips and tricks for keeping this place running like a well-oiled machine.  

As the Blossoms grow, it's getting harder and harder to tell their clothes apart when doing the wash.  I find this confusing, especially when we're folding!  I don't have time to hold up each article and say, "Who does this belong to?"  Maybe you're laughing, but they all own at least a few pairs of black Adidas track pants... and everyone gets irritated if their pants disappear into the great abyss of someone else's dresser.  

Behold, the dot system!  
(which I read about in some random mom organizational book ages ago)

Blossom1 is the oldest.  She gets 1 dot.

Blossom2 is 2 dots.

Blossom3 is 3 dots.

Blossom4 is the youngest and she gets 4 dots.  So simple!

All you need is a Sharpie when you're folding.  Find out who the item belongs to and mark the tag with the right amount of dots.  The beauty is that as the girls grow and favorite items of clothing get handed down to smaller sisters, you just need to add the right amount of dots to keep the label current!  

This works SO much better than initials!  I don't label everything, but when we have lots of Adidas pants that are similar in a whole range of sizes, I bust out my Sharpie and get right down to dotting the tags!  

Jeans that look similar... 

Bible Quiz and Fine Arts team shirts that are all the same but different sizes belong to different Blossoms... 

Junior sizing that is so inconsistent, no one can predict what item actually fits what Blossom...

whatever else I am confused about.  

Just dot it!