Tuesday, September 26, 2017

On Available

If I had a goal for life lately, you might say that it would be for me to be available.  

First day of school

I'm still occasionally picking up Recapturing the Joy of Motherhood by Bonnie Greiner.  Her words of wisdom help me shore up areas that need to be reinforced in my life. 

I'm ever mindful of the passing of time, the tick-tick-ticking of eternity.  Remembering that this world isn't it, helps me see what a big, big thing I do every day - walking with God, loving my husband and my children. 

I'm nurturing these Blossoms.  I'm fertilizing the soil of their hearts.  So much of that nurturing happens because I am here, because I am available. 

Old fashioned soda fountain fun with cousins

So, I ask myself, was I truly available to my children today?  Did I pause?  Did I truly interact in their conversation?  Did I take the time to read a book, answer a question or help with a solution? 

Was I available?

Library fun with my nephew

And, there's marriage.  To be a helpmate to my husband, I must be available.  Well do I know how easy it is to juggle everything randomly, oil the squeakiest wheel and let my quiet, contented and able husband take a back seat. 

But, am I thinking of his needs?  Am I putting down my own entertainments to make time for him? 

Am I available?  

How 'bout God?  At the end of the day, was I available to the Lord?  Did I let Him lead me?  Was I paying attention to His nudges?  Was I too busy to move forward with something He wanted me to do or pray? 

Was I available?  

A katydid!  Gotta love these delightful late summer music makers!

It seems to me, that the crux of being a servant, 
is really just being available.