Monday, July 8, 2019

In His Grace

Summer mornings are golden for me, breathing deeply of the fragrant air, savoring the country "quiet."  I think, I pray, I read, I mull, I write.  There is so much strength that I draw from this. 

And yet, over the past week, I found myself so easily offended.

I couldn't figure out why. 

Does there need to be a reason?  I am a spirit and I live in flesh.  My flesh often quite crankily disagrees with my spirit.

I mulled and mulled, thinking what is wrong with me?  Not enough sleep?  Too much to do? 

I came back to the fact that it doesn't really matter WHY I am cranky.  God loves me and He wants me to show love to others. 

This morning, I felt the Lord speaking to me through the song that says "It is well with my soul."

It is well with me.  In my spirit.  In my soul.  It is well with me.  I felt His peace roll over me and I felt newly encouraged to act out of love and in His grace, rather than choosing offense. 


Photo credit to the older Blossoms