Thursday, July 5, 2012

Happy V

#10 - Happy is she who fears the Lord.  Proverbs 28:14
"Fear and happiness can't go together, you say."  And yet, I truly believe it can.  In fact, I feel comforted as I read this verse.  Living a holy life often seems like a tightrope walk.  It is precarious and it feels as if the world is pulling you off at every moment.  To make it more complicated, me, my husband and our children are on the tightrope too.  The world wants our children so bad.  And it wants to destroy me and my husband.  At the end of the tightrope is Heaven.  I do like I did on the balance beam years ago.  I keep face toward the end of the beam... the dismount.  I fear the Lord... it keeps me on the tightrope.  And, it's comforting to think that, although it feels like a tightrope walk... happy is she who fears the Lord.  I know that Heaven is the result of living this holy life to please Him. 

#11 - Happy is she who keeps God's law.  Proverbs 29:19
Happiness stems from obedience.  It is that satisfaction I feel as I obey.  There is grace to obey, grace to continue.