Monday, October 19, 2015

A Whole Lotta...

As y'all know by now, we love "the Cabin."

From the scenery,

to the activities,

This place is just plain special to us.


People sometimes ask what we do at the cabin. 


I usually say, "A whole lotta nothing." 

And that's pretty much true.

But let me clarify.

There's boat-sailing (after the boat-building).

And stick-throwing.

There's salamander catching.

And brave salamander sailing.

There are crayfish wars.

There's the all-important wood chopping.

(especially, if one wants to sit around the fire a whole bunch.)

There's dog talkin' and dog fellowship.

There's a little overlook viewing,

And meandering in the woods.

There's tree investigating.

There's specimen gathering.

There's moss-jumping.  (which is to say, jumping on a large bed of moss),

And sap touching.

There's leaf gazing.  And ohhhhing and ahhhhhhing.

Yep, a whole lotta nothing.