Saturday, February 18, 2017

What It Says

The invigorating air streaming in the schoolroom windows is unseasonably warm and bursting with the promise of spring. I'm finally grabbing a minute to share my thoughts with you.  These days are full of history lessons, cleaning up the kitchen, errands to Walmart, reading Beatrix Potter, googling little girl questions (like what does a bear's den look like?) and cleaning mud up off the floor.  Did I mention the spring-like temps?  We're just off the Valentine's holiday and I feel like chatting about sisterly love - the love of Christ to each other.

As a teen, I was a "hugger" (to my girlfriends).  You know the type.  Some of us are and some of us just aren't.  I understand why, as everyone has different personal space comfort levels.  For a while, I backed off and only offered hugs to my family members and to people I really thought were comfortable with hugs or personal displays of sisterly type affection.  "I don't want to push," I thought.

I've come to the realization that some of the folks who need a hug the most, are the ones who may normally be the least comfortable receiving a hug from a girlfriend.

Don't forget that this life is a vapor.  Daily I observe the blossoming of our Blossoms and I remember how short our time is here on Earth.  Additionally, our society is a busy one; the time for nurturing deep friendships often starved out by running, running, running.  I've found myself moving away from the promise to pray for someone and asking them, then and there, "Do you mind if I pray for you?"  A touch on the hand or shoulder and a heartfelt prayer lifted to God and your friend knows you're on this journey through life with them.  They are no longer alone.

I once found myself in a situation where a girlfriend was going through some major stressful times, feeling completely and totally alone.  She couldn't take it any more and answered honestly when someone asked, "How are you?"  And I reached out.  I was second-guessing myself later, feeling I'd invaded her personal space.  I simply had nothing else to offer, aside from a prayer and hug.  No words could comfort like the comfort Almighty God could give.

Sometimes being a friend is really just being there.  

Later, I discovered, that had been her lifeline from Heaven.

So maybe I'm coming into focus.  I'm my hugger teenage self, now in my thirties, understanding why a hug is such a big, big deal.  I don't mean to get in your space, girl.  I may just be saying, "Hello."  I may just be saying, "Til we meet again."  I might just be saying, "I'm in the trenches with you."  But my hug says it all.

God loves you and I love helping to communicate that to you today,