Monday, September 11, 2017


In this neck of the woods, canning season is underway.  Little #canninghacks have been floating through my brain, so I thought I'd share a few things that really work for us.

#1 - Extra Table/Counter Space:
At the beginning of canning season, we set up a 4 ft x 4 ft portable card table right in the kitchen.  The huge water bath canner, bulk boxes of fruits or veggies, extra lids, jars and all the other accoutrements live there for a few weeks.  You'd be amazed what a little more counter "square footage" does for your sanity.  Once, while sausage-making, my husband commented that this extra space really did bring a little more peace into the kitchen chaos.  Plus, in between canning stints, your kitchen go back to some degree of normalcy.

#2 - Glass (Pyrex) Measuring Cups Instead of Ladles:
My little soup ladle just doesn't cut it for ladling applesauce, salsa or sauce into jars.  It takes SO LONG to fill up my jars.  I ain't got time for that!!  Imagine my delight when I realized that my glass measuring cups work perfectly as giant ladles!  And, the four cup measuring cup/glass fills a quart jar perfectly!  (um, because 4 cups equals a quart)

#3 - Pick Up Lid Flats Whenever You're At Walmart:
I've learned that it's much easier to overstock canning lid flats here at home, than to have to run to the store in the middle of a canning session!  #experienceisapainfulteacher

#4 - Make Your Kids Help:
You'd be amazed how much easier it is to have extra sets of hands, for little and big jobs.  Whether it's wiping off rims, turning the handle to the food mill or chopping fruits/veggies, many hands make work light.  A little "industry" goes a long way to keep kids out of trouble.  Don't keep your kids busy with another Pinterest activity; get 'em involved in good honest work!  I have fond memories of shucking corn, snapping beans and picking strawberries with my brothers and sister.

#5 - Wear Sneakers... All Day:
This one's big for me!  I generally wear socks or slippers around the house come autumn time, but definitely not on a canning day.  I realized that I could "stand" a marathon canning session, when I wore good, supportive sneakers.  When your feet don't hurt, all the juggling supplies and millions of trips back and forth to the sink are much more bearable.  

#6 - The No Toys Rule:
I've always maintained a NO TOYS rule in the kitchen.  I don't do it to be an ogre; I do it for the safety of the entire family.  Cooking is like the ultimate multi-tasking stint, sometimes with crazy time constraints and intricate steps.  Tripping over a stray block or doll could have horrible and painful results, which is why this mama goes into super-no-toys-enforcer mode during canning season.

#7 - Do Dishes...All Day:
Don't wait til the end to do your dishes.  Remember tip #4?  You've got minions!!!  Even a four year old can wash a few dishes while you chop something nearby.  When we stay on top of the dishes, it makes everything keep running smoothly AND keeps us from becoming buried in sauce covered pots and tools at the end.

Hopefully you found a #canninghack or two to help you out this season.  

I'm grabbing my apron, putting my hair into a messsy bun and we'll get this canning done.  Next up, hot pepper mustard!  Since the Rugged Mountain Man was so enthusiastic about my trial run, we'll see if I can pull this off.
