Friday, June 16, 2017

Cry Out For It

I was standing in the yard barely two weeks ago.  I paused there, looking around at the good, good life the Lord has given me, when I realized it. 

"I need more joy." 

I'm going through the motions, the good motions, but the motions nonetheless.  I know the right thing and I try my hardest to do it.  I spend time every morning with the Lord.  What I do, I do unto the Lord.  

I'm just a little tired.  Actually, I've been tired for the last eleven years and I feel like maybe it has caught up with me. 

I told the Lord, "I need you to show me what to do, to show me how to get more joy." 

One week later I was at the convention, standing in front of a table with stacks of books.  I stopped at her stand because her sign graphics were pretty.  I like pretty graphics, they inspire me.  Then, this title caught my eye. 

by Bonnie Greiner

Being naturally skeptical of most fix it type books, I began leafing through it while nonchalantly eavesdropping on the conversations around me.  After noting at least five things in the book that applied to me and spoke to my need, I handed her the five bucks and started to cry. 

I've cried at the convention before.  It's a place of inspiration, a place where God reinforces the vision of parenting and discipleship in my heart.  I've come to enjoy this annual working retreat.

I need answers.  I need Truth.  I want to grow, always, always grow. 

I devoured my new book in two days and then, I soaked in it for the next week and a half, letting God assimilate the changes into my life.  I spent one more day reveling in God's great care for me, one small woman on this big Earth.  He took the time to make sure I stumbled on this book.  One woman's testimony of finding joy in serving her family members and choosing joy every day blessed me exponentially. 

In my time of need, He sent me a word. 

Our God is not partial; He has no favorites.  Cry out to Him in your time of need.  He will answer the pleas of a humble heart.

And, mamas, if you're just plain tired, cry out for joy.

All photos snapped on our recent date night jaunt out on the lake.  It was divine!