Friday, March 5, 2021

Current Favorite Gift Idea

For her 10th birthday last year, Blossom3 was given this sweet little necklace by her aunt, uncle, and Sprout cousins.  

The gift box said, "10 gems; one for each spunky year!"

There's another cute version in fun and trendy packaging here.

Last August when Blossom1 turned 15, her sisters thought Blossom3's necklace was so cool, they purchased this pretty 15 year old version for Blossom1.  She's been thrilled because it matches with everything and can be dressed up or down on a whim.  

In December I was stumped on what to get my purple-loving mother-in-law for her birthday.  I stumbled across this lovely ombre amethyst version and HAD to get it for her.  Everyone here agreed that she'd love it.  And she did!

When the Rugged Mountain Man asked what I wanted for my birthday, I spotted this unique and classy raw diamond version that I thought would be an excellent edition to my necklace repertoire.  It came in very impressive packaging!  I love the unusual look of the raw Herkimer diamonds.

Search "ombre bar necklace" on Etsy and you'll find a pleasant plethora of necklaces in a range of price points and sumptuous hues.  Who could resist these?!


How bout fire?

I had to share my latest favorite heartfelt gifts to give.  Go ahead, copy us and order one!


PS ~ Act surprised if you get one from my Blossom crew.

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