Friday, June 7, 2013

Chore List Fear & Trembling!

Daddy was going to Walmart to pick up a few things.  Mommy noted that Daddy seemed to be repeating the things to himself and, as any of us knows, when one thinks of something to pick up at Walmart, one will always think of five MORE things that need to be picked up at Walmart.  So, Mommy promptly grabbed an index card and a pen and sat down to make a little Walmart list for Daddy's over-taxed brain.  Skeeter piped up, "Mommy, what are you doing?"  No answer from Mommy who happened to be searching her brain and picking Daddy's for all the items that belong on the now-growing Walmart list.  More persistently this time, "Mommy, what ARE you doing?"  Silence again.  Skeeter and Scooter look even more concerned now.  By this time, Mommy and Daddy have noticed their urgency.  Mommy gives a blank look and says, "Writing a Walmart list for Daddy."  Sighs of relief escape from the mouths of Skeeter and Scooter.  Mommy and Daddy burst into laughter as they realize the cause.  Mommy uses index cards and a pen to write extra chore lists on Saturdays and summer days.  All those little chores, like hosing off the deck and carrying recycling to the basement and whatnot are written on the index card, given to the Blossoms and they must complete the tasks before playing.  This time, the list was for Daddy, not them.  Oodles of Blossom Relief!!