Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The answer is more WITH

At the end of the day, when little lacy eyelashes rest on velvety soft Blossom cheeks, Mommy starts to ponder.  I tend to evaluate what matters and where I spent my time.  It's a good habit and sometimes it isn't.  Meaning, Mommies tend to be very tired at the end of the day so although the intention is good and God usually works on and in my heart at those times, helping me to refocus, my perspective is not so good, so tears are almost always a result.  I gaze at the precious blessings I have been given and I realize the mission I have before me... did I do enough today to work toward that mission?  Oh so many little and big nothings filled up my day, things that, at first glance don't seem to participate in the means to an end - the ultimate end of Godly, Christian children in a Godly, Christian home.  In my tears, I take them to my husband and he comforts, advises, admonishes, whatever is necessary for the situation.  "Take them WITH you.  In the necessary tasks of housework, gardening, cooking and such, have them WITH you."  Such sound advice to a mind that seemed virtually overwhelmed with the thought of trying to simplify an already very simple lifestyle. WITH I can do.  WITH is the way Jesus discipled his twelve.  WITH isn't complicated.  WITH is what we're already doing; we just need more WITH.  Thank God for sound husbandly advice to soothe my soul and lead me down the right path, giving me direction for another day in service to my Master.