Friday, December 11, 2015

Friday frostiness

Something about frost (and snow), makes me want to slow down.

It must be the wintertime equivalent of stopping and smelling the roses. 

This has been a tremendous week of sharing, encouraging and being challenged in my walk with God here in our little home.  It's come through various sources and outlets - the older women of our church, my friend Jessica, my sister and others too.  It's been beautiful and real and good and amazing and it makes me long for more.  It's made me realize that God planned that we'd need fellowship, that we'd need iron sharpening iron. 

It takes a little something extra though...

If only we'd stop and listen to each other more often.  If only we take that extra moment to ask a tough question or a genuine question.  If only we'd take that extra step of friendship and share something real and something heartfelt from our own lives.  If only we'd humble ourselves and meekly open up.  It's takes a little bit more.

God is helping me to grow in this area.  I know He will lead you, as well.