Friday, April 22, 2016

Life Lately

Dear friend,

I hope you've been well lately.  We are thriving here as we delight in spring time.   It's the end of the school year for us - homeschoolers who march to the beat of their own drummer.  We recently squeezed in a homeschool day at the local state park.  The weather turned out gloriously as the Blossoms worked on their survival skills.  (Yes, homeschoolers let five and six year olds build fires.) 

We also wrapped up the Poetry Performance workshop our library was putting on with an entertaining performance by Blossom1, Blossom2 and their cronies, the Kid Poet Society.  It's pleasurable as a parent to watch children with introverted tendencies blossoming and slaying their own giants.  I feel like parenting may be more about baby steps than we all realize.  I'm not trying to make them into extroverts.  There's nothing wrong with being an introvert, but we all must function within society.  My version of parenting an introvert involves helping them tackle societal skills successfully.  I'll get down off my soapbox now.  Back on poetry, I'm a bigger fan of Shel Silverstein and Jack Prelutzky than I ever was.  I even picked up a book of poetry by Tennyson when I was at the library the other day.  I feel like my own interests were broadened as the Blossoms interests grew.  I like that. 

Tonight we'll venture out for an Open House, where the Blossoms will share piano pieces, more poetry and some other presentations.  It'll be fun to celebrate the end of the school year with previously mentioned cronies, and the mamas and daddies that lead them.  Our eyes will be bright as we think of the conclusion of a whole lot of steady plodding.  You know that leads to good progress.

I've ventured out to the greenhouse to snag some veggie plants, although I did grow some of my own this year.  I haven't done that in a long time; probably since Blossom1 was born.  I'm excited since I also put together some of my own hanging baskets.  I love adding beauty to our homestead and this was my way of doing it the budget-friendly way.  We started planting the garden, so "Gardening The Hollow 2016" has now officially begin.  It's quite the adventure, but every year I learn something new. 

The great "Heat the Hollow" adventure will be kicking off soon.  The girls have been out their splitting some wood already, but I don't dive into my part of getting our wood under roof until the school year officially commences. 

There's been several new additions to our micro farm recently.  We're trying out turkeys.  We are finding them to be super entertaining, mischievous and a bit curious too.  Their fence adjoins the garden fence and they love to strut the length of it, making their turkey noises at me.  The broilers, or "meaties," as we somewhat affectionately call them, are on the premises.  With all the peeping and chick feed, this place feels like spring for sure.  I'm told the next wave of "layers" is showing up on Monday so there's more chicks to come!

On a personal growth level, I've so many opportunities to grow interpersonally.  Have you ever checked all the verses in the Bible on how to treat "one another?"  They are staggering.  It's those "one another" times that I've been experiencing lately.  I've had to be patient, when folks weren't patient with me.  I've had to be kind, when I didn't feel like it.  I've had to extend grace, when I was seething inside.  I don't want you to pity me, but I've marked a distinct season of growth.  It's really just the nitty-gritty of growing more like Jesus going on in my life.  Sometimes it can be painful, this process of becoming more holy, but on the other hand, it's comforting to know that God cares enough about me to help me grow. 

I must wrap up a few more thing before the Open House.  Additionally, Blossom4 is having her 3rd birthday party tomorrow.  It'll be nice to have all the family around.  Blossom4 adores being doted upon as the center of attention, so she's looking forward to it. 

