Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Reminding Myself

I'm tired at the end of the day. 

What I'm doing is worth while.  I know this; I derive a sense of satisfaction in knowing this.

Knowing that I am doing good and that my effort is worthwhile, doesn't make me less tired though.  I try to remind myself when I feel exhausted, 

"You are tired because you worked hard doing important things God wanted you to do today." 

It's good to remind myself of these things.  I need these reminders.

Last night, I forgot to remind myself of this truth.  Instead I wallowed in my feelings, inaccurate as they are.  I stormed around, believing myself to be forgotten and taken for granted. 

This morning, in the light of a new day, in the quiet in my chair with tea in hand, I remembered to dwell on the truth again.  I reminded myself in yet another way.  I scrawled one thing that I love about the Rugged Mountain Man and one thing I love about each of the Blossoms. 

I celebrated one small thing that I've noticed.  Gratitude took wing in my heart.

I took the last swallow of my tea and met the day with a fresh new attitude.
