Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Fake Candy

Our youngest, "Skipper" is addicted to candy!  She pesters about 10 times a day for it.  And, we're not big candy people.  So, she ends up with approximately 1 piece a day.  That's it.  So, that requires lots of perseverance and patience on Mommy's part.  Two days ago the candy "mysteriously disappeared."  This plan is working well, except Daddy and the middlest daughter "Scooter" almost blew Mommy's cover!  Now that the candy is "gone," I had to come up with an alternative.  Flashback to when daughter #1 ("Skeeter") was little, I gave her "Strawberry Candy."  It was simply frozen strawberries.  She loved them!  So, this morning, I refilled Skipper's snack cup 4 times with "Strawberry Candy."  Yay for Mommy and yay for a happy Skipper! 

PS - Other fruit can be frozen too.  Try berries, grapes, bananas and such.  It's the newest candy rage here in our house!