Here’s one that surprises most people. I have something good to say about my
Mother-In-Law. (We’ll just call her
BraveHeart. Believe me, if you’d heard
the stories of my husband’s and his brother’s childhood escapades, you’d find
this name quite appropriate!) Anyway, I’ve
been quite blessed in the In-Law department, so I’d like to highlight her
strength in the Body of Christ. BraveHeart’s
strength is the epitome of one of my Dad’s chief principles he and Mom strove
to teach me. “Prefer others higher than yourself.” She does this! She is always looking out for what the other
person prefers and desires. She
consistently and without fail puts others’ needs, desires and preferences above
her own. (And, she does this without
making a big show of how unselfish she is!)
She is quiet – very quiet - about her own needs, desires and
preferences. Being around her has taught
me to quiet down and pay attention to others. Not everyone announces what they need, want or
prefer. My BraveHeart Mother-in-Law
demonstrates unselfishness daily. Watching
her unselfishness reminds me to be unselfish – to pay attention and to make my
own needs, desires and preferences take second place to others – with a happy
heart too, mind you! Isn’t that who the
Lord would have us to think of – others?
Thank you, my dear BraveHeart Mother-in-Law. You are a living example of unselfishness and
I am learning from you.