M - Pancakes, Waffles or French Toast (I make a big batch every few weeks and freeze them.)
Tu - Eggs (I make them in a ceramic bowl in the microwave - fluffy and cheesy!)
W - Hot Cereal (winter) or Yogurt & Toast (summer)
Th - Cold Cereal
F - Bagels
Lunch: (I keep veggies, fruit, yogurt & applesauce stocked as sides)
M - Soup and Grilled Cheese
Tu - Bean Burritos
W - PB & J
Th - Lunch Meat & Cheese Sandwiches or Build-Your-Own Cracker Towers
F - Peanut Butter & Honey Burritos
PS - I rattled all these off the top of my head. There was only one that Skeeter (#1) had to remind what we normally have. My point being - that's like ten decisions I eliminated!!!! Wahoo!!! :)