Friday, January 22, 2016

The Roast

We've had one busy day after another this week.  I got up one morning and realized that I didn't get the roast out to thaw the night before, like I'd planned.  GAH.  In a pinch, on another day, I'd thrown it in frozen, turned it on low and let the crock pot work its magic all day (as I held my breath, sincerely hoping that supper would be edible).  And, it was juicy!  The Rugged Mountain Man, who is quite the meat connoisseur, commented on how tender it was. 

On account of my brain lapse, I tried the frozen solid beef roast thing again. 

Delicious.  Hmmm.

I mentioned it to my mother and discovered she does this all the time!  How did I not know this all important piece of information?!! 

Then, I mentioned it to my friend, Jessica.  She puts hers in rock solid frozen too!

Friends, just in case you are as dumbfounded as I was, put your beef roasts in rock solid, early in the morning on low all day and they'll be tender and juicy by supper. 

I'm glad I live in 2016 and there's such a thing as crock pots.  Ahem, however, MOTHERS should share this piece of information with daughters.  Just sayin.  :)
