Ya'll know what I'm talking about, right?
In this particular instance of my plunging mommy-ometer, I was venting as I was again cleaning up more messes. It went something like this "I clean up the same stuff all day and what do I get in return? NOTHING, just more crumbs."
In the midst of my tirade, I heard the quiet, but distinct, voice of the Holy Spirit whispering,
"That's not true.
There's always the eternal reward."
I literally took several slow deep breaths and tried to rein in my out of control self, exhibiting the very selfishness that causes my children to do the thoughtless things I was ranting about. It wasn't an instantaneous end, but the Spirit held my attention. The promise of the eternal reward has been an encouragement to me since that evening. Heaven is my Home and I know that laboring as a mother here on Earth is amassing rewards in Heaven.
Oh Lord, let me never lose sight of eternity.