Thursday, August 4, 2016

Day #3-#6 the 4H Blur

Rather than recount all the scintillating details of watching the hog show, washing chickens, watching the races and winning at the poultry show, creating a blog post full of Fair details you may or may not be interested in, I thought I'd take a stab at the ins and outs of 4-H Fair week culture, just for kicks.


* When boots go with anything and everything.  #bliss

* When the Rugged Mountain Man needs a dog towel, only to learn that they are ALL out on the clothesline because you used them to dry chickens.  #sorryhoney

* When you discover you'd rather butcher chickens, than wash them.  #seriously

* When chicken puke on your boots only serves to distress them more fashionably.  #realdistressing

* When the other 4-Hers advise you to buy your children a barn for Christmas.  #4hthroughandthrough

* When pigs are considered the coolest animal to show, only strengthening the Blossoms' desire to show "big animals" soon.  #isbiggerbetter

* When the senior showmen are scared of the junior showmen.  #youdbetterstudyharderyall

* When nobody notices dirt and poop.  #nuffsaid

* When scrounging through your change to scrape together enough for a milkshake at your favorite ice cream stand is perfectly acceptable, just so you can get the commemorative t-shirt like your mama always got when you were a kid.  #itwasthatimportant

Yes, #4hforever,