I'm impatient when I think that someone is infringing on my time, on my right to finish what I'm doing.
I'm impatient when I have to repeat myself over and over again to the Blossoms. I think I should only have to say things once and be obeyed. They should get it right the first time.
I'm impatient when I'm tired and I think I should not have to deal with something frustrating.
There's a lot of "me, my and I" in those sentences.
At the heart of impatience is a "me, my and I" problem.
I'm called to serve, to become nothing so that Christ can become everything. I have willingly and gladly chosen this life; I have gladly and willingly surrendered my rights. My impatience is not justified because of the "violation" of my "rights."
Today, let there be less of me and more of Him. Let His compassion, mercy, patience, unfailing love and faithfulness ooze out of me.