Monday, September 16, 2013

I don't homeschool for bragging rights

I don’t homeschool to make my kids smarter than yours.  I do think that children who get one-on-one instruction tend to fare better, but one certainly can homeschool for the wrong reasons.  Almost every parent deals with the competitive side of parenting at some point in their parenting journey, whether it is whose kid eats solids first, potty-trains quickest, is the politest or has the sweetest personality.  But, I don’t homeschool to make my kids smarter than yours.  It would be an unpleasant journey if that were the case.  I’d spend every day push, push, pushing the Blossoms.  Learn more.  Learn quicker.  Learn better.  I do strive to help them progress.  I think I am a pretty tough teacher, but I refuse to spend every day pushing them so I can look better.  I don’t homeschool for my own pride’s sake.  I don’t homeschool for bragging rights.