Monday, June 9, 2014

Gotta Get-A Vision

Sometimes you just gotta get a vision of where you're going.  I'm glad the Lord can open our eyes in only an instant.

Devotions with our girls have evolved over the years.  When Blossom1 was little (newborn to 2years), I read her a Psalm or other Scriptures aloud.  We prayed together.  When Blossom2 came along, we used Read-Aloud Bible Stories by Ella K. Lindvall.

Eventually, with Blossom3 getting older too, we used this book awhile.

I'd looked at devotionals, like Keys for Kids, but have come back to Bible stories again and again.  I wanted them to have the Word.  I didn't want stories about being a Christian; I wanted the Bible in their language.  I wanted them to grasp the significance of finding their nourishment in the Word.  And, I figured it was my responsibility to foster it.

Now that Blossom1 and Blossom2 are proficient readers, devotional time has evolved some more.  We've been reading our Bibles simultaneously in Mama's bedroom or, on beautiful spring mornings, on the back deck.  Blossom1 prefers her "spine and pages" Bible, while Blossom2 prefers to read on her Kindle, like I do.  Then, Mama reads out of the Read With Me Bible by Dennis Jones to Blossom3.

And, I've been asking them, "So, what did you read about today?"

"Did anything stick out to you?"

"What did you think about that?" 

I can foster discussion with my own children.  My heart was so excited as I dreamed about the future, realizing that I'll be able to talk about the Word with my children!  I had to get a vision of that!  And now, the vision is beginning to come to pass. 

I was thrilled to hear Blossom2's take on Queen Esther and how she must've listened to what God wanted as to the timing of speaking to King Xerxes. 

I share these things not to brag, not in the least!  It is God's grace that leads us every day.  I share them to challenge you to dream, to get the Lord's vision concerning your children and the Word. I'm thrilled with His vision!

"Where there is no vision, the people perish..." Proverbs 29:18