Wednesday, March 13, 2019

A Simple Prayer

Some of the most effective prayers are the simplest.  The one that has been bouncing around inside me lately is "Yes, Lord."  

It's something I can't say enough.  It's something that has fresh meaning for me often.  

What is God asking me to surrender?  

What is God asking me to change?

What is God asking me to be?

How is God asking me to obey?  

"Yes, Lord."

Serving God is something real, that isn't only reserved for Sunday mornings.  

It's life change.  

It's little God-glorifying decisions.

It's little joyful self-sacrificing actions.

"Yes, Lord."

It's letting Scripture probe my heart and change my mind.

"Yes, Lord."

To Your will and Your way.

"Yes, Lord."

Pray it often.  Pray it truly.  

Pray it.
