Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Christmas Break

It's one of my most favorite times of the year... 

and the Blossoms' too!

Christmas break lends itself to a summer like freedom and creativity.  It slows down the rush and the hustle.

There has been knitting.

Bunny flower headband making.

Doll clothes sewing.

Tea sipping.


And reading... and piano playing... and fleece blanket making... and board-gaming... and crafting.  

There are the challenges of the extra messes and the routine that isn't a routine... and ALL THAT sugar.  

I just keep reminding myself that no day, no month, no break is going to be perfect, 
but we are together and we are savoring everyday life together.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Good-bye, 2019. It's Been Great.

Dear friends,

2019 is drawing to a close.  I'm reflecting on the year, remembering the effort we put into each day.  That's what stands out to me ~ how hard we worked.  Every day we rose and took another stab at the things that matter.  Steady plodding makes good progress and I hope to prove that true each passing year.

We find ourselves just past halfway in the school year and that's good progress.  The days at home are full of studying, but the girls are progressing well.  Juggling a high-school student down to a first grader seems to be pretty smooth.  One of the things that keeps me going every day is getting a front row seat to their progress.  Yes, I'm also in the trenches with the Blossoms and their struggles, but the victories are so much sweeter. 

If you haven't checked in in a while, the Blossoms are now 14, 12, 9 and 6.  They are vibrant, happy, and healthy and for that we are truly, truly thankful.  Blossom3 continues to recover from her head injury with only the occasional headache.  Since she was working on building a robot yesterday without having any symptoms, I'm so glad to see her at full capacity.  They are all working through today's to-do list to tidy things up and prepare for our Christmas festivities tomorrow.  One of the  Blossoms relayed to me that THEY have a lot on THEIR to-do list today, with building on to their fort on the top of that list.  I guess the leftover lumber from the new shed is going to be put to good use.  Yep, we had a pole barn built.  It's been a long time coming.

The three older girls are still enjoying Bible Quiz.  Blossom4 has started sitting in on quiz practices, even though she can't quiz until next season.  She just couldn't bear to be left out.  It's pretty cute to hear her little pixie voice answering questions!  Blossom3 loves Quiz so much that she relays questions and answers in her sleep - no joke!  

Blossom1 and Blossom2 competed in Avian Bowl this past spring, with their team placing first in the state.  They loved that it really helped them prepare for their showmanship contests at the Fair.  It wasn't surprising that they won showmanship contests, but Blossom3 placing third in her first year was a delightful surprise!  

Yes, there are still loads of animals around here.  We added more ducks this year and the girls were thrilled when one of their Bantam hens went broody and hatched a chick!  Apollo has been hand-raised and is so sweet!  We're pretty sure he thinks he should live inside but this mama said, "No way, no how."  With our dogs, Jake and Rory, our cockatiel, Ransom, our inside bunny, Mufasa, and whatever bunny we're currently babysitting for friends, this place looks like a zoo.  That means fur and feathers on everything is normal.

Having so many animals brings its own challenges.  When summer ended and the birds of prey were honing in on our flock, we frequently darted out the back door, screaming like banshees to drive away the predators that had their talons on our poultry.  It happened so often, it's no wonder the neighbors think we're crazy.

There's lots of piano playing around here too.  Blossom1 and Blossom2 played and sang with their teen friends at a community event and also in church a few times this year.  We're so excited to see them branching out and using their gifts to bring joy to others.  The song I hear around here most is "Let It Go," which is surprisingly beautiful in its instrumental version.  Blossom3 is making good progress also!  They've all been messing around with various other instruments too and since I'm not musical in that way, I really enjoying hearing the plinking of mandolin, harp and guitar from time to time.  

We send our love to you all.  We hope you have a lovely Christmas and a Happy New Year!  

Remember to check back often.  Sharing snippets of this life of ours is something I enjoy.  It keeps the joy front and center for me.  

Blessings from the whole crew in the Hollow,


Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The 2019 Thank You Card

While we're sharing gift tips, my sister has a quick and savvy tip for the receiving end of the spectrum. 

It isn't practical to write a thank you note for each and every gift received at each and every occasion and holiday, but that doesn't mean the gift wasn't appreciated.

She makes a note (in her phone!) of what folks get her little boys for birthdays (or Christmas!).

Then, as they play with or wear each new item, she snaps a pic of them enjoying the gift.  She texts the pic to the giver.

Thank you cards - - - DONE - - - 2019 style.  

Thoughtful, quick, and fun. 

Believe me, the warm fuzzies well up when I see my nephews enjoying their new parachute in the back yard. 

Friday, December 13, 2019

Are You Stuck?

I had my fair share of hard gifts to buy this year.  When it came to ideas, I was coming up empty on several fronts. 

While grasping my hair in desperation, I mentioned to the girls that I was stuck. 

They bailed me out with a few great ideas!  They are thoughtful gift-givers. 

If you're stuck today, with time running out, ask your children.  They just might remember a detail about that person that your busy, crowded brain has forgotten. 

Plus, when I hand it to the reciptient, I like that I can say, "The Blossoms picked this out for you."

Personal.  Plus, how can you not like a gift from my Blossoms?

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

These Christmas Days

Dear friends,

Are you caught up in your Christmas to-do list or the swirl of Christmas activities?  It's been a little bit of everything around here lately. 

After having it on my to-do list for forever, I finally managed to order our family pictures this evening... as the girls indulged in watching Arthur Christmas, a favorite December movie.  Since Daddy is away slaying deer, we decided to stop in at Pizza Hut and use our Book It coupons.  On the way home, we swung by the nearest neighborhood Christmas lights display.  It's been a nice bit of pleasantry after a few days that held their own unique challenges. 

Blossom3 hit her head pretty hard whilst playing Cops and Robbers with her pals last Monday.  She's had headaches off and on since then, so we instituted our own concussion protocol.  That has required a bit of creativity on my part, as that means no reading, concentrating, screens or physical activity.  She's doing so well.  Let's just say, Mufasa the bunny rabbit, has been enjoying the high life INSIDE keeping her company, while she works her way through the audio version of the Chronicles of Narnia.  I am so thankful she's been improving so much every day and I've been sneaking in school assignments in any way I can.

We had some company earlier this week, which was nice for catching up.  Building has started on a new pole barn too.  My shopping is basically done.  That isn't so very impressive when you realize that I shopped for the girls' stocking stuffers WITH Blossom3 and Blossom4 tagging along.  They assure me, "We didn't see anything."  

Our days haven't been perfect but I am savoring the grace that is with us as we live each moment. 


Monday, December 2, 2019

Thankful for Thanksgiving Break

We spent Thanksgiving break, just like we normally do.

More crafty little projects.
More of mama playing.
More of cozy cold weather fun.

While the older Blossoms were shopping with Grammie, the little Blossoms and I thought making homemade Polly Pockets was the best!  Altoid tins make fabulous craft projects!

I did squeeze in a few re-organizational projects here and there, managing to help the girls tidy up their rooms.

I've noticed that Blossom3 gets frustrated when things are tidy and Blossom4 doesn't clean up after herself.  This becomes a bigger issue because they share a room.

I mentioned that when they dump their Princess and castle accessories bin out, they should dump it on a blanket to make clean up easier.  They used this tip the rest of the day and Blossom4 came to me excitedly marveling over how much quicker cleanup was!

Rather than barking out, "You'd better not make a big mess!"  I think I'll remind them a little more often that if you've gotta dump a bin, dump it on a blanket.  I even pulled out a small blanket to keep in their favorite toy bin. 

