Sunday, September 29, 2024

Rabbits for Fun Things

Sometimes we use our rabbits for extra fun things...

Like Sunset Milkshakes!  

Blossom4 and Weston won the Cutest division of our Dress Up Your Fair Animal contest this year!  

It tickled me that she came up with this idea and executed it all on her own.  

(Thankfully, Weston mostly behaved himself for the contest.)


Thursday, September 26, 2024

School, but in a Different Place

Sometimes it's fun to change it up a little bit.  Variety is the spice of life, after all.

We drove to Blossom2's place of work, to surprise her for her birthday.

An added benefit is that we decided to spread out and enjoy our coffee, chai, and goodies over a little schoolwork.  Why rush off?

It helps that the atmosphere is peaceful and soul-filling there.

The younger Blossoms settled in beyond the novelty of it and got right to work.  
Maybe they felt grown up.

Blossom1, of course, had no trouble.  Coffee shops are her vibe and studying is her game.

Blossom2 popped over whenever she had a break to taste our goodies
and snap silly selfies with her sisters.  

Her boss is one of three girls.  I'm pretty sure she was back in the kitchen grinning at the sister fun.

I helped the younger Blossoms periodically, but also delved into Know and Tell, an excellent book about having your children narrate back to you what they have read and learned.  It's a sort of verbal processing that I find logical and fascinating.

I was astonished at the amount of work the younger Blossoms were able to accomplish.  It seems they embraced the treat, but settled into the work.  

(We were wise and chose work that was most conducive with a coffee shop environment.)  
We left feeling accomplished, refreshed, and together.

I think that someday, these are the little things they will remember.


Sunday, September 22, 2024

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Squeeeeeeeeeeze It In

It seems that family time is about making the most of the little opportunities that present themselves.  Yes, making sure there is margin enough for those opportunities to be able to present themselves is surely important too.  

Daylight fades earlier and earlier this time of year.  On those evenings when a Blossom pipes up, "Hey, can we all go on a walk?"

We say, "Yes!" even though the dishes will need to be done after darkness falls... 
or some other such task will need to be moved around... 
or something else can be delayed for a bit.

And some of us lag behind and some of us speed ahead, but there's time for the conversation and laughter to happen.

Some of the best family times are the in-between times, 
the squeezed-in times, 
the every day times that we scoop up and hold on to.

So, I will keep my eyes open for those opportunities and make the most of saying, "YES!"

Friday, September 13, 2024

The (Non) Waterfall Hike

Over Labor Day, this mama wanted to take a hike.  My favorite kind of hikes are those that lead to waterfalls or something scenic.

I hiked Jacoby Falls ages ago with a good friend of mine.  It was one of those rare mama outings that memorably lives on for a variety of reasons.  

Blossom1 pointed out that she researched this hike before and heard that flow can be hit or miss.  

However, I argued that we've had tons of rain, so it should be fine, right?

Besides, this is 1.6 miles.  It's an easy hike and it's beautiful one way or the other.  After a very busy and hard-working weekend, we're certain this is the hike for this weekend!  

Plus, there is the promise of local creamery ice cream afterward.  

Beginning with a long and charming boardwalk over a marsh isn't a bad way to start either.

We even saw a little bit of wildlife ~ a tiny, feisty snake that would quake at the sight of an earthworm.  

The younger three Blossoms charged ahead with Binney.  They were off and running straight off the boardwalk so fast that I wondered if they realized they were following the yellow blazes.  The Rugged Mountain Man reminded me that we have taught them a lot about navigating in the woods through the years.  He was right.  They were fine.  

Henceforth, though, I will give instructions while we are still in the truck.  Once those doors open into the Great Outdoors, they are like kids in a candy store.

We arrived to this beautiful stone bowl to their matter-of-fact announcements, "There's no water."  

They didn't seemed bummed; the geology is still really, really cool.  

A massive stone bowl between two mountains?!!!!

Blossom4 scampered about like the mountain goat she is with Miss Bianca.

And Miss Bianca eventually treed a porcupine... thankfully, without having tasted it first.

The promise of local creamery ice cream may have caused a bit of skipping down the boardwalk.  This mama isn't the only ice cream connoisseur in the family.

I turned around one last time to admire my autumn field favorite - goldenrod...

... and to reflect, 

these truly are the special times.


Sunday, September 8, 2024

Here We Are (Again)

How long have we been doing this now?!!!  

This will be our fifteenth year!  

These snapshots are from our recent first day of book work.  I don't say "first day of school because we've been cranking through school all summer long - 
4-H animal projects, 
event planning and preparation,
research projects, 
sewing projects, 
homestead management, 
public speaking, 
physical education,
public relations, 
nature study...

there is so much school that happens all summer long!

But, here we are again, settling into the regular, everyday book work routine for the year.  

Blossom1 and Blossom2 are independent.  Blossom1 is in her final year at Nelson University. Blossom2 is hoping to finish a business degree by the time of her high school graduation next year.  For the two of them, I really am only called in for assistance in sorting out difficult IT problems, troubles with textbook orders and such details as that.  As you know, we communicate often about school demands and scheduling.  I am humbly grateful for their level of independence when it comes to their assignments, weekly schedule, and study habits.  It took a lot of training over the years to get to this place.

Blossom3 is in ninth grade now.  She grew so much last year when I greatly intensified her course load.  I was so pleased when she rose to the challenge.  Knowing where she was developmentally and academically, the Rugged Mountain Man and I felt like we could do that.  

This year, in science, she is doing a Botany course with a curriculum I've never used before.  Since she loves plants and art, I felt this was a really good fit for her.  Because of the wide variety of botanical material that is covered, it's almost like a career exploration course for her!  I realize that this isn't par for the usual high school course, but understanding our daughter, her gifts and talents, and where she may be headed, this seemed like a solid high school decision.  Only time will tell, but I am growing as much as they are in that it is sometimes hard for me to veer away from "what I've always done."

Sixth grade for our baby Blossom4!  Wow!  As far as her attention span and academic perseverance, the past two years have shown some serious growth.  I sure am glad because that can be a frustrating phase when your child draws school out to last til 9:30 at night.  I am looking forward to her unique interests surfacing in the coming years.  She's happy and creative and fun and uncomplicated.  I am looking for ways to isolate and magnify her interests.  Beyond that, my goal is to continue to facilitate a simple and wholesome childhood for her each day.  If that means craft scraps scattered around, so be it.  If that means disappearing into a nook with Nancy Drew, so be it.  

After the last 15 first days of school over the years, my outlook is more measured.  The year is not decided in the first day or the first week even.  

Largely, it will be determined by how much I, and resultingly, THEY, soldier on day after day after day.  Each day, we will adjust.  
We will shoot for our routine.  
We will do it when it's hard.  
We will do it when it's fun.  
We'll skip it in lieu of something that I think will work better for the day.  
We will do it again when it's hard.
And we will go to bed with a deep breath of gratitude or a prayer for help on our lips, 
and we'll get up the next day and give it another shot... 
again and again and again.  

Day by day, a beautiful education is being crafted.


Tuesday, September 3, 2024

The Signs of Autumn

There are typical signs of fall that folks tend to recognize ~ 

brilliant, changing leaves, 

sumptuous mums for sale at every Amish stand, 

and pumpkin spice at every turn.  

I love marking passing of seasons by observing lesser known signs.

~ Misty autumn fogs, heralding the chillier mornings

~ the dog days locusts and the crickets' dusky symphony

~ popping Touch-Me-Nots (Jewelweed) on meandering walks down our country road

~ delectable apple pies

~ Chai everything

~ pears all over the kitchen

~ rumblings of football talk

"She smiles at the days ahead..."
