Monday, April 27, 2020

Friday's Hike

We set aside last Friday to do a "big hike."  The girls were given a week's warning that Daddy was off on Friday and we'd be slaying one of our giants.  

It seemed like this heads-up went a long way toward helping attitudes on a hike of this length.  The promised homemade subs, Pringles and traditional special candy for a picnic lunch probably went a long way as well. 

Food is a great motivator, y'all!  Add in the fact that we ate our picnic lunch seated along a quiet brook and it might've been the highlight of our hike!

This mine camp trail is historic in our area.  I've blogged about it before.  The railroad grades and switchbacks are intriguing!  

We've hiked a few different sections of the trail, but this time, we wanted to do the whole loop.  As you can see, the Blossoms were three years younger when we first hiked it.  

Sure, the weather wasn't warm with optimistic sunshine, but the hike was scheduled.  We don't like the weather to dictate our plans. 

 It's so unpredictable these days that if we waited for "more pleasant weather," we'd probably never get to hike.  We had light rain on and off for about one third of the hike.  For the rest, it was cloudy and temperate!

Since we had multiple layers and had ball caps on as well, we actually enjoyed the beauty the rain created.  The gentle pitter-patter deep in a forest away from the things of  man was peaceful and soothing.

We love a good water crossing!  Since we are not opposed to jumping over creeks, crossing on miscellaneous rocks or questionable mossy logs or even wading right through it, Blossom1 was particularly impressed with the quality of this water crossing.  If only all water crossings were this reliable!

Hiking along creeks provides great motivation for the younger hiking crowd.  When we follow runs, our interest is always piqued.  There's so much scope for the imagination in a creek!

At one point, we came upon a forest of evergreens that had been attacked by a contagious fungus.  It looked a bit like a cursed Narnia forest, with all the pines frozen under the spells of the White Witch.

It stirred my imagination.

The Blossoms did so well!  We had some terrific family time, laughing and joking and watching for the red blazes of the trail.  

We trudged onward, completing 8.7 miles.  Every one of the Blossoms walked the entire way.  This is a record for us and because of this, the girls walked away with a strong sense of accomplishment.

The Rugged Mountain Man and I were pleased with this happy quarantine memory.  It's funny how that much exercise that can be so invigorating!


Tuesday, April 21, 2020

My Work and Rest

Last week, these pics hardly seemed appropriate.  With the wind, rain, and snow, they felt like snaps from another planet!

I spent last week learning to balance a to do list that rarely is completed and making time for me to be rejuvenated.

Since we often had activities in the evening, it was a natural break that helped me put aside my list and move into another part of our day/evening.

That is what I needed to relearn this week.  

There is so much to be done here, both inside and outside the walls of our home.

I took a little time the other evening to read.  I spent a little while working on a fun sign for the back porch. I took some deep breaths and gazed out in the foggy haze of the chilly weather last week.  I even spent one night making snow angles and snow people in the yard.

May the Lord always, always, ALWAYS teach me more about this life, 
that everything I do 

~ my work and my rest ~
would glorify Him.


Photo credit to Blossom1

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Grab His Hands

Our walks and hikes have been so important these last twenty-eight days.  

Taking time to admire the Forsythia,

the earliest dandelion,

or the biggest Oak leaf we've ever seen has been paramount in fostering gratitude in our hearts.

We take deep breaths and crowd close.

We fawn over tiny starlet flowers.

We revel in God's miraculous spring.

We rally around each other in deeper ways than we have in months gone by.

Sometimes it's hard.

But, we grab His hands and keep walking.


Friday, April 10, 2020

This Friday is Good

How are we doing?

We're good. 

We're healthy.

We're safe.

We're together. 

I'm so thankful that it's springtime.  The fresh air and moderate temperatures are lending a refreshing breeze throughout our lives. 

The girls are doing good.  They love the open blocks of times but they miss their friends.  We seem to have found solutions in Google Hangouts, Zoom and FaceTime.  It's not perfect, but it works.

I'm so thankful it's Good Friday.  Right in the middle of this pandemic, it's like a banner in the sky, reminding us that Jesus is our Hope.  When the news is bleak and the cares are heavy, I've spent time thinking about our Lord's death, burial, and resurrection.  

The earth quaked!  The stone was rolled away from the tomb's entrance and the angel sat on it.  I feel a little as if the angel sat on that stone as if to say, "You thought this couldn't be done, but my Boss got it done."  The guards were so frightened by these things that they fainted dead away, but a few women watched the whole thing and stayed conscious --- was it their faith that kept them from collapsing just like the guards??!  Then they heard a message from the angel.  

"He isn't here."  

Just like Jesus said it would happen, it did.  One man, fully God and fully man, bore all mankind's redemption on His back, carried my sins and then, triumphed forevermore.  

Therein lies the crux of it all.  Therein lies my Hope.  Therein lies my Peace.  Therein lies your Hope and Peace.

This Friday is good.


The whole story can be found in Matthew 26-28.

Photo credit to Blossom1.

Monday, April 6, 2020

A Catalyst

"Gratitude is a powerful catalyst for happiness."
~Amy Collette

Also, if you need a simple homemade mask, please contact me.  I'm happy to do my part.  


Friday, April 3, 2020

In the Garden Together

In times like these, we rely more heavily on one another to share acquired knowledge.

I hardly consider myself a gardening expert.  I'd hold that position for my dear friend, Dianna.

However, I am happy to share a little bit of what works for us.  In light of the troubling times, I'm getting lots of questions about gardening, so here's what we've been doing in this PA hollow lately.

~ We do raised bed gardening, mainly because I like it.  Deep philosophical reasoning, isn't it?  It doesn't take a lot of roto-tilling at all.  (Click here for a snapshot of what it looks like.)  In fact, we only roto-tilled the walkways this year, in order to keep the weeds down.  The beds just got raked til they were level.  They're looking spiffy, due to all the "bunny berries" that were dumped on them throughout the winter.  If you're just planting a small area near your house, just make sure your soil is broken up.  A hoe or shovel and some elbow grease should work for that.

~ I have planted lettuce, spinach and sugar snap pea seeds directly in the ground.  I continue planting lettuce and spinach every few weeks or so in order to keep it coming in regularly.  I use a very scientific method; it's called, "I plant another wave when I remember."  This "wave" method is better than one big crop of leafy stuff.  Kale, brussels, arugula and beets can go in now also.

~ We have planted onion sets directly in the soil.  Onion sets look like baby onions.  Our greenhouse carries them.

~ Cauliflower and cabbage plants (the cold tolerant plants) can go directly in the ground now.  Broccoli and kohlrabi can go in also.

~ The greenhouses are still open and considered essential thus far because they are a way of providing dependable food supply.

Long live the victory garden! 

In about a week and a half, Lord willing, I'll drop in the greenhouse and pick up tomato and pepper plants.  I'll harden them and get them planted.  They, like my friend Janice, are not fans of the cold  weather.

Well, that's how we roll here on our humble micro farm.

Stay well and stay calm, my friends.


Here are a few more tips for gardening season.