Have you ever thought your hope was in God?
You find yourself amidst a stinky we-live-in-a-fallen-world kind of incident, like a cuddly rabbit biting your Blossom4, and you comfort yourself with things like,
"It'll heal alright. We've cleaned it up well."
"I put Vaseline on it multiple times a day, just like Google said."
"She's resilient."
"Little kids' skin heals magnificently."
Then you read this,
"You ALONE are my hope."
I sip my black tea, curled up in my chair and ask myself, "Are You alone my hope?" That's what quiet time is for; to ask the hard questions and listen for the real answers.
There's nothing wrong with Vaseline or natural remedies or countless other good things that I often utilize and am thankful for in prosperous America, but...
Where does my hope lie? What is it that makes me lay my head down and sleep soundly? That's the thing that I've put my hope in.
Probably a rabbit bite doesn't seem like a big deal to you, but surely there's something in your own life where this can be applied.
In all things, in all situations, with whatever that is available to us,
can I truly say,
"You ALONE are my Hope?"
Psalm 71:5, NLT, my emphasis added
Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright ©1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.