Monday, November 11, 2024

The Thankful Tree

Long ago, we visited Canada for an old friend's wedding.  Our host family had a lovely little Thankful Tree posted near the supper table.  Since we spent several days there, we loved getting on board with their moments of gratitude.  Written on each leaf were things like "my dog" or "Timbits," the Canadian equivalent of Munchkins!  

I was delighted with the idea and so were the Blossoms!  

This year, I printed off some cute free printable scrapbook paper and Blossom4 and I started working on the pieces.  She was intrigued.  We've done our own version a few times throughout the years, but I didn't realize how long it's been until she asked me, 

"What's a Thankful Tree?"

We hang a tree trunk somewhere near our kitchen table and each evening, each family member writes one thing they're thankful for on a paper leaf.  

I love that sometimes it's light-hearted, small things and sometimes it's deeper, bigger things.  

After a few weeks, we will have a full tree of beautiful things and we will have revelled in small moments of gratitude together all month long!


PS - The antique wicked-looking redneck self defense device hanging in this picture is actually the tool my grandmother used to mash potatoes for her family of twelve.  It reminds me that love and hard work can go hand in hand.  

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

A Tuesday Rest

Wednesday: Art lessons, errands, school, school, school

Thursday: Packing food boxes with friends, meeting with the queen, catching up at home

Friday: Getting wood in the woods, heading out to go shopping and hang out with my sister, while the rest of the crew held down the fort at home

Saturday: Two more loads of wood from the woods, head into town to look at vehicles, submit huge application for the queen

Sunday: Church, cat nap, fair membership meeting so I could do my fair duty, catching up with folks over the phone, planning for the week

Monday: Stressful paperwork with one of the Blossoms, prepare for Bible Study, usual school, school, school, Bible Study, Bible Quiz practice, prepare for Big Tuesday

Tuesday: Blossom1's big teacher test, Blossom2's 3 big presentations at a local school, picked up Younger Blossoms from Grandma's, so glad I already voted...

And, wow.  We're finally home.  I could've pushed for more schoolwork.  

Let's just get more done.  Let's hit this hard this afternoon...


It's time to rest.  It's time for a breather.  It's time to take a deep breath and slow down.  

I realize that doesn't follow the traditional school routine but we can do this because I'm in charge of their education.  I carefully facilitate the family life rhythm here.  We didn't need more schoolwork.  We needed to embrace the down time... finally.

Blossom3 queried, "Mom, do you wanna do some watercolor with me?"  


We chatted.  We rested.

We embraced the sweet moments and it was so good.
