Friday, April 10, 2020

This Friday is Good

How are we doing?

We're good. 

We're healthy.

We're safe.

We're together. 

I'm so thankful that it's springtime.  The fresh air and moderate temperatures are lending a refreshing breeze throughout our lives. 

The girls are doing good.  They love the open blocks of times but they miss their friends.  We seem to have found solutions in Google Hangouts, Zoom and FaceTime.  It's not perfect, but it works.

I'm so thankful it's Good Friday.  Right in the middle of this pandemic, it's like a banner in the sky, reminding us that Jesus is our Hope.  When the news is bleak and the cares are heavy, I've spent time thinking about our Lord's death, burial, and resurrection.  

The earth quaked!  The stone was rolled away from the tomb's entrance and the angel sat on it.  I feel a little as if the angel sat on that stone as if to say, "You thought this couldn't be done, but my Boss got it done."  The guards were so frightened by these things that they fainted dead away, but a few women watched the whole thing and stayed conscious --- was it their faith that kept them from collapsing just like the guards??!  Then they heard a message from the angel.  

"He isn't here."  

Just like Jesus said it would happen, it did.  One man, fully God and fully man, bore all mankind's redemption on His back, carried my sins and then, triumphed forevermore.  

Therein lies the crux of it all.  Therein lies my Hope.  Therein lies my Peace.  Therein lies your Hope and Peace.

This Friday is good.


The whole story can be found in Matthew 26-28.

Photo credit to Blossom1.