Tuesday, April 21, 2020

My Work and Rest

Last week, these pics hardly seemed appropriate.  With the wind, rain, and snow, they felt like snaps from another planet!

I spent last week learning to balance a to do list that rarely is completed and making time for me to be rejuvenated.

Since we often had activities in the evening, it was a natural break that helped me put aside my list and move into another part of our day/evening.

That is what I needed to relearn this week.  

There is so much to be done here, both inside and outside the walls of our home.

I took a little time the other evening to read.  I spent a little while working on a fun sign for the back porch. I took some deep breaths and gazed out in the foggy haze of the chilly weather last week.  I even spent one night making snow angles and snow people in the yard.

May the Lord always, always, ALWAYS teach me more about this life, 
that everything I do 

~ my work and my rest ~
would glorify Him.


Photo credit to Blossom1