Friday, August 30, 2013

In Sweet Pea's Shoes (or booties?)

I was sitting (finally) and nursing Sweet Pea, when I got to thinking about parenting and taking care of itty, bitty babies.  I realized that there's no rocket science about it.  I put myself in Sweet Pea's Shoes. 

If I were a baby, I'd want to be bathed frequently because I feel foul when I'm scuzzy.
If I were a baby, I'd want my diaper changed at once, since having a sore hiney is like Chinese torture.
If I were a baby, I'd want to be carried around and talked to about how to make spaghetti sauce and when Daddy will be home and my silly sisters' antics, because I understand more than you think.
If I were a baby, I'd want to sleep snuggled up on Mommy, since cribs are hard, cold and uncomfortable and make me feel lost and alone.
If I were a baby, I'd like to stretch my legs every now and then on my playmat, because getting my blood pumping makes me a nicer person too.
If I were a baby, I wouldn't want to be handed off and around to strangers, since they are not warm and cozy like Mommy and they look funny and germy. 
If I were a baby, I'd stuff Mommy's necklace in my mouth, because diamonds (not rattles and link-a-doos) are a girl's best friend.
If I were a baby, I'd only want to dress up every now and then, because clean, comfy, everyday clothes make me relax and focus on the important things - getting milkie and sleeping.
If I were a baby, I'd like to be read to, just like everyone else around here.

If I were a baby... you fill in the blank.