Wednesday, February 5, 2014

That Hair Episode

I don't know if y'all remember that episode back in October of 2012, the one where somebody trimmed Blossom #1's bangs, but nobody would 'fess up about it. 

One evening, not very long ago, I could tell that Blossom #1 had something on her mind.  As I brushed her hair, she mentioned that she had something she needed to tell me.  She confessed that it had been her that had trimmed her own bangs.  She'd been afraid to tell me.  She trimmed Jake's hair too (a fact I'd noticed only a few days after the original episode.  I was starting to wonder WHAT ELSE I was going to find that had been trimmed?  Carpet?  Curtains?  The Goldfish?) 

Immediately, I told her that I forgave her and that I wanted her to be completely honest with Mommy & Daddy... always.  No matter what.   Ironically, she shared that she'd even had bad dreams about that lie.  She must have a sensitive conscience, something that others might make fun of.  This is something I thank God for!  I explained that a clear conscience makes for a very soft pillow.  God wants us to walk blameless.  When He shows us something, confess it.  Take care of it quickly.  Don't wait.  Don't dawdle.  Just take care of it.  Blamelessness is beautiful.

We hugged and she walked away with a light heart.  I did too.  The Rugged, Mountain Man and I marveled at it and thanked the Lord.  It reminds me of my favorite child-rearing verse,

"All your children shall be taught of the Lord and great shall be the peace of them."
Isaiah 54:13

PS - Blossom #1 approved this blog entry to be posted