Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Labor Day

Yesterday was Blossom2's 9th birthday.  We celebrated by eating every meal outside on the new porch.  The Blossoms were delighted with this turn of events.  Of course, the cinnamon dough balls, apple dumplings and shrimp spaghetti may have had something to do with it.  The important thing is that Blossom2 was a happy camper!

Of course, yesterday was also Labor Day.  I feel that Labor Day is quite appropriately named.  Inevitably, we use the day for a work day around here.  My day alternated between a teacher in service day and assist the Rugged Mountain Man kind of day.  He was putting the finishing touches on the roof over the back deck.  While I don't have the muscle needed for the big stuff, I can be the extra hand he needs.  I am beyond pleased with how this project is coming along.  He has put so much time and grit into it.  That man has persevered through awful heat, nasty sunburn and huge boulders. 

I admire the dogged determination he's shown in this project.  I made him happy and threw together some pico de gallo, which is basically raw salsa.  It's a summer time favorite for the Rugged Mountain Man and me. 
Good thing the tomato harvest is coming in.  More pico and more spaghetti sauce!  Yum.
Here's hoping you all had a great holiday!