Wednesday, May 1, 2019


While I could say that things seem like they're always busy around here, it's more accurate to say that this place is continuously bustling with life.

The school year is winding down.  I've posted the list on the board ~ the one that says, "You're finished with the school year when:" They love this thing that I do a few weeks before our evaluations each year.  It puts matters in their own hands.  How badly do you want to be done?  Yes, I thought so.  It's motivating to feel like you have a say in when the school year ends!  The little girls have finished their (easier and shorter) list.  The older girls are projecting only a handful of days to accomplish the few remaining projects on the board.

Last week, we closed out our co-op session with an Open House.  It's a time for our local homeschooled students to showcase their talents and share all of their educational projects from this school year.  From piano, to drama, to poetry, what a delightful evening!  Family and friends alike enjoyed getting to see what our Blossoms and their pals have been working on. 

We also filled last week with a harp lesson and our etiquette dinner, right on the heels of Easter, its festivities and a human video performance in the Easter service.

Lately, the garden is beginning to garner my attention.  The early cold-loving crops are in and we've been enjoying fresh lettuce.  YAY for homegrown veggies!!  The girls' outside work, aside from feeding and watering animals, consists of mucking out rabbit pens and splitting wood.  Blossom1 commented on how much better you feel after you work outside.  I agree with her!

Looking forward to the bustling days ahead,
