Tuesday, September 24, 2019

They're in There

One of the high points of our classroom here in the Hollow is that it can be as traditional or as nontraditional as I/we want on any given day.  We often throw tradition to the wind by inviting fuzzy and feathered friends into the schoolroom with us. 

The benefits of warm, fuzzy occupants in a classroom are becoming more widely known these days. 

Kids relax around animals!  They don't feel judged!  They perform better!

I realize that institutional learners only have this luxury when a teacher is able to navigate budget issues, allergy hurdles and red tape, but we love that we can seize the opportunity to roll with this.

Jake and Rory, our pony-sized dogs, are always hanging out in and around the school room... on the couch, under the school room table, flopped in front of the door, wherever it may be; they love to remind us that home life is the best life. 

Bunnies make their way into the school room too.  Whether hopping around and exploring, cuddling in a girlie lap or, my least favorite, sprawled out on desktops, the Blossoms love bunny presence.

Ransom, our Albino Cockatiel, sometimes perches atop his homemade perch or on a Blossom's shoulder.  He enjoys the change of scenery and occasionally will nibble on posters and papers.  

Yes, I admit that occasionally, the animals become a distraction.  I don't hesitate to send them back to their residences. Overall, I try to remind myself often that every student learns differently than I do. 

If math with a bunny in your lap is better, then, why not?

Because we can.