Wednesday, June 3, 2020

The Wildflowers

May is wildflower month around here.  It's one of my favorite things about May.  
(These pics were snapped in May.)

The honeysuckle and dame's rockets combine to perfume the air deliciously.  We marvel and savor their fragrances on every jaunt and tramp.

I'm actually not sure if this lovely little golden flower spike is a wildflower.  I managed to convince the girls not to pick it. 

It was growing on a bank near a neighbor's mailbox.  I love the image I have in my mind of the four of them climbing up the bank to investigate and discuss it.  

And buttercups!  Oh, how I love buttercups!  They're so wholesome and cheery.

The nuances and shades of each wildflower demonstrate the vast creativity of their Master Designer.  

Why did He bother with so many tiny bursts of beauty?  I've wondered this sometimes.  It always takes me back to His character.  He has such vast stores of artistry that bring mankind so much joy.  

It seems that as we take the time to notice His hand in nature, 
we inadvertently train our children to be observant of His hand ever at work around us.
