Tuesday, October 5, 2021

This (Humbling) Thing Called Sanctification

I was talking to a younger mom friend today.  We were astonished to find that we each felt and thought similar things, despite the vast differences in our children's ages.  

We want to impact our children, yet we feel frustrated and discouraged that our own stumbling has ruined our witness to our children. 

The thing is God's grace is sufficient in our weaknesses! As we soldier on through the process of becoming more holy (sanctification), our children have the best seats in the house.  

They see, in essence, how to be a Christian.

They see my process of becoming more holy.  

They see me growing.  

They see me, desiring to be more like Jesus.  

They watch me as I fail, as I apologize, as I repent.

They observe me getting up again the next morning, starting fresh, relying on the Holy Spirit again, letting Him change me and work in me.  

What could be more encouraging to them in their walk with God?  

What could be more real than Mama living the very thing I want for them?  

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