Friday, January 14, 2022

Checking In

Nobody wants to be a pest.  

Nobody wants to be nosy.

Nobody wants to be the person that makes others wish would just leave them alone.  

Is that really what we're doing when we shoot a text over asking how your people are feeling?  

Is that really what we're doing when we ask, "Do you need anything?"  

I overthink it.  I check the time and worry that it might just be too many daily texts.  I type, backspace and retype again.  I put the phone down, walk away, come back and retype again.  I don't want to get into people's business.  Symptoms and sickness can be such a touchy topic right now.  

The thing is, when I follow through, it seems like many of those little caring nudges come from the Holy Spirit.  When we pray or lend practical help, it's shouldering another's burden with them.  

"Share each other’s burdens and in this way obey the law of Christ."
Galations 6:2, NLT

Loving people is shouldering burdens together.  

Mamas, I'm ready to stop letting the overthinking keep me from shouldering another's burden.  It's keeping me (and maybe you too) from obeying God.


PS - To my friends who may now feel bad that they overthought things in the past and maybe missed opportunities to shoulder a friend's burden.  I know you love me and and mine.  Let's just trust God to lead us in the future and not worry about the past.

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