Monday, May 16, 2022

Just You Wait

For those people that I've met in grocery stores and restaurants who say,

"They're so pleasant, but just you wait til the teen years."  

Yep, just you wait til they can make supper when you're totally overwhelmed.  

Just you wait til they can order you a thoughtful gift off Amazon.

Just you wait til they can wield their sense of humor, cracking us up and infusing joy in a tense situation.

Just you wait til they can quietly observe, read a person, and share wise thoughts with you.

Just you wait til they can work like an adult. 

Just you wait til they can run to Dollar General for you.

Just you wait til they can appreciate your favorite books and movies.

Just you wait til their conversation is scintillating and thought-provoking.

Just you wait til they can lighten your load.

Just you wait til they can thank you for all you do.

Just you wait til they can creatively solve a problem that's been baffling you for days.

Just you wait til they bake whoopie pies and cookies and bread at the drop of a hat... just because we're in the mood.

Just you wait.

Don't buy into the lies, friends.  Children are a blessing.  Teens are no exception.

And if you haven't seen the fruit of the steady plodding of motherhood yet, don't lose heart.  

You will reap, if you do not faint.

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