Monday, November 21, 2022

Work in the Woods

It was just a temperate autumn day in which we all ventured to the home of an old friend to get wood.  While no one enjoys hard physical labor, it is satisfying to know that each log means warmth, a fact I do remind the Little Blossoms of when they start whining.

Plus, hard labor does make you feel like a beast when you're finished!

I found myself scrambling to grab my phone for pictures.  

This morning in the woods was sweet for me. 

Maybe it was the camaraderie between us.  
Maybe it was conquering a large task.  
Maybe it was the teamwork.

Maybe I was remembering all the investment thus far and all the character training we've soldiered through to get here.  Maybe it was that.  (And there is so much more to go.)  

Maybe it was the entertainment, silly jokes, and laughter when I slipped on the ramp, fell off the trailer and rolled across the ground.  

"That was kinda impressive, Mom!"

"I'm glad you were the only people that saw that."

Whatever it was, it was sweet.

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