Friday, January 30, 2015

Snow Much Refreshment

When I worked at the "World's Weather Leader," I came to be known as quite the optimist.  After a snowstorm, I recall walking out the door with my boss and a co-worker and commenting off-handedly that snow is God's way of slowing everything down.  My boss turned to me and said, "You really do see the silver lining in every cloud, don't you?"  (He saw muck and slush.  I saw the blessing of a slower pace.)

One of the first things you notice about a good snowstorm is the silence.  The quiet alone is simply breathtaking. 

Then, there's the fun that you just can't have at any other time... things like shovelling a maze or "run" for Bree the Narnian Bunny to frolic in.  Bree loved it!

Blossom4 needed Blossom3's help to enjoy the snow.  Otherwise, she just kept falling down.  Believe me, a face full of snow doesn't make anybody happy.

As I went sledding with the girls and walked down by the creek, I took the time to let the snow do what God meant it do - remind me of Him.  The creation always points to the Creator.  I believe that and that's why it's so important to me to get the Blossoms out in nature as much as possible.  Salvation is practically written in the sky, etched in the trunks of trees and babbled from brooks.

Our nature times are easier now that Blossom4 finally understands what, "The creek is cold" means.

I guess I'm the only mother around that allows for a form of winter creek-walking, but honestly, sometimes I just get tired of saying no.  I think to myself, "Why not?"  As long as they don't get soaked, "Why not?"

We journey homeward, refreshed from the snow,

ready for some hot chocolate, Swan Lake research and concocting suet feeders for our birdie friends. 

Wonder what we'll be doing this spring?