Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Am I wasting time?

Thanks for joining me on a journey to evaluate our social media usage. Does the Bible really have anything to say about this internet age and how it relates to me? Read on to find out!

Am I wasting time?

In the name of "me" time or "down" time or "chill" time, many people squander precious minutes and hours on social media.  God gave us our 24 hours in the first place.  He wants them to be used wisely.

Ephesians 5:16 says, "Redeeming the time, because the days are evil."

To redeem time means buying up every moment that others throw away. In this society we are under great pressure in the direction of misuse of time and opportunity.  Everybody around us is glued to their high-tech smartphones.  Heaven forbid they miss a tweet!  They are throwing away time just to like someone's status or tag themselves in pictures.  (Pinterest freaks, you don't get off easy.  We can squander our moments by drooling and coveting the hours away.)

1 Timothy 5:13 says "At the same time they also learn to be idle, as they go around from house to house; and not merely idle, but also gossips and busybodies, talking about things not proper to mention."

We've already talked about word sins, but the idleness is obviously a big deal too.

Proverbs 31:27 has always been a meaningful verse to me. 

"She looks well to the ways of her household,
And does not eat the bread of idleness."

If you're squandering your minutes and hours on social media, you will eat the bread of idleness.  You CAN look well to the ways of your household.  You CAN care for your family well.  You CAN be purposeful in your marriage.  You CAN carefully train your children.  It won't happen though when you're wasting your time on social media.  You simply won't have time for it.  You'll be too busy being idle online for something as important as that. 

Let's make drastic sacrifices to leave idleness in the dust. 

Take a look at the rest of the series here:

- What does it make you think about?
- Are there too many words?

 - Are you reading gossip or gossiping?
- Is it slander?
- Is it unwholesome?
- Is it unfit for use God’s use?
- Is it foul, filthy or coarse?
- Does it grieve the Holy Spirit?
- Is it silly talk?
- Is it a word fitly spoken?
- Are you busy-bodying?
- Do you blab your good works?
- Are you wasting time or being idle?
- Is it first world drama?
 - Is it bad company?
- Is it the appropriate medium of communication?

- Is it promoting “WITH” for the best interests of my family?