Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Chipotle and God's Lavish Grace

I finally experienced the Mexican fast food restaurant Chipotle this past weekend.  As my sister guided me through the line, the Chipotle lady said, "Sour cream?" to which my sister's reply was something like, "Heck, yeah!"  Being that I have several sour cream lovers in my house, we actually have to try to conserve sour cream or I'd be buying an embarrassing number of shamefully large sour cream tubs per grocery trip.  I was expecting the Chipotle employee to dribble on a token amount of the tasty white condiment.  No-siree.  The young lady took a huge serving spoon and enthusiastically dolloped on the biggest splat of sour cream I've ever seen on a respectable Mexican dish this side of the Mississippi. 

That dollop of sour cream stuck with me all weekend.  "That's how God is," I thought. 

We expect God to conserve.  We expect Him to be stingy.  He must be an ogre or a miser, right?

But He isn't like that.

"In Him we have redemption through His blood,
the forgiveness of our trespasses,
according to the riches of His grace
which He lavished on us."
Ephesians 1:7-8 NASB

We are redeemed from sin, bought back from satan's clutches, receiving the forgiveness for the sins we've committed.  He isn't stingy about His forgiveness.

Friend, you aren't barely forgiven.  You don't squeak into God's Kingdom when you surrender to Him.  Nope.  This is all according to the riches of His grace. 


We don't have to stand on the outskirts, shyly hoping we're truly "in."  He is a bountiful Father, ushering us into this love. 

This mama/wife/life drives me before God daily, petitioning for the grace I need.  Grace to parent.  Grace to submit.  Grace to swim upstream.  Grace to choose the harder things.  And I keep thinking about how He freely gives that grace when I ask.  He isn't guarding the "grace container," rationing how much grace I should have for today.  He's got gobs and gobs of grace, which He rains down on me in a beautiful flood.

That sour cream splat kept my thoughts churning on the beautiful character of my Heavenly Father.


Tired, stressed out mama, those gobs of grace are for you.  Just ask.   

Friends, that forgiveness, that redemption, is for you.  It isn't barely there; it's fully for you.  Surrender to Him today.