In my reading I recently stumbled on a simple tip to solve this problem and make each of your children feel special.
Assign each child a week.
We created our schedule to follow youngest to oldest, which is easy for me to remember.
Week #1 - Blossom4
Week #2 - Blossom3
Week #3 - Blossom2
Week #4 - Blossom1
This solution quickly and effectively answers all the very difficult questions in life:
~ Who gets the last brownie?
~ Who accompanies Daddy on his errands on a Daddy date?
~ Who chooses the ice cream flavor?
~ Who gets to go first in line?
To which I reply, "Whose week is it?" Anything special that comes up during that week, goes to the child whose week it is.
One of our children is a talented and persuasive negotiator and voiced stubborn opposition to this idea. She wanted the power to lobby for the special item or privilege. Since we are the parents, we grinned and established the practice anyway.
It's only been two months and now that everyone realizes that their week will eventually come around, it has been an outstanding way to single out each of our children on a regular basis. Plus, I keep telling the Rugged Mountain Man how much more pleasant it is in the ice cream aisle.
What happens if there's a fifth week, you wonder? It's MAMA'S WEEK!!!!