On our recent cabin trip, we spent some time meandering through the woods, getting filled up by spending leisurely time together discovering mushrooms, strolling through the fallen leaves and breathing deeply of the pure mountain air. We marveled over the exquisite shades of mushrooms, reveled in Blossom2's discovery of an Amanita and explored a curious, but slippery bridge.
When it comes to filling up, I'd say that part of growing up is learning to feed yourself. It's not surprising that part of growing up as a Christian is doing the same. It's taking responsibility to make sure you've got the spiritual nutrition to do more than survive.
It's going after the spiritual nutrition to thrive.
I've always loved 1 Samuel 30:6, where it talks about how, during a hard and trying time, David encouraged himself in the Lord. David was feeling weak and he took action. He encouraged himself. He strengthened himself!
If there's a practical and spiritual lesson I've learned along the motherhood road, it's to adapt quickly or dry seasons will quickly ensue!
We often identify that we are weak or weary, but do we step up to strengthen ourselves in the Lord?
How can we adapt quickly?
If the time of day or location isn't working for your time with God, adapt quickly. Make the change before you're so starving, you can't hear God.
Is your baby swatting at your Bible pages, read on YouVersion.
Is your quiet time after breakfast, lingering at the table? Train your kids for that. Prep a snack and a sippy cup beforehand.
Whatever the problem, just try something a little bit different. Make what changes need to be made to feed yourself.
(Blossom2's Amanita)
Adapt quickly!
Lately I've been taking special care to feed myself spiritually. Some days it's sermon blurbs I fit in here and there, giving me bursts of Scriptures and thoughts to ponder. (That sounds like snatching time, doesn't it?)
Another day, a good friend invited me to the Revive 2017 conference. We attended virtually, thanks to the amazing technology of live streams. We heard excellent preaching and encouragement for practically living out our faith. Take some time and check them out here. The solid and practical preaching gave me much to mull over for the next several days.
I'm also delving into Adorned, by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. It's good, solid reading material based on one of my favorite passages of Scripture, Titus 2. God has laid out a specific curriculum for older women to younger woman training. This in depth study of Titus 2 has been richly rewarding and so inspiring to every day aspects of my life. Nancy shares truths so humbly and personably, that I want to keep reading, to continue letting God shine His spotlight into my heart.
Today, instead of letting the moments disappear into thin air, snatch them to feed your spirit. Get them in your clutches and get filled up.